Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey all,
Well I went to my last of all pre band appointments yesterday. The pre-op appointment with Mr Michell's nurse Barb. Apart from putting on 2kgs since my last appointment with her in Sept everything went fine. The 2kgs are most likely fluid as it was warmish yesterday and I tend to swell in the hotter weather - well thats my excuse anyway.
I am one of the 1st 3 on the list so not sure when I will be done either 1st, 2nd or 3rd but at least it will be earlier rather than later. A single room also which is nice.
The sequencial stockings well they are a hoot - my hubby rolled his eyes when Barb told me I had to wear them at all times whilst I was in bed. I had things on my legs and feet when I am in bed. I know they are to prevent you getting clots in your legs but they are hideous and look like they will hurt your legs when they blow up.
I also paid the $3500 I needed to pay for the op yesterday also. Oh what I could have bought with that money - but it is going to good use.

18 days til Band Day.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oh The Stressors of Life.

Well I have not blogged for such a long time, I have had so much on with work, kids, hubby on nights every three weeks and the emotional roller coaster I have been on. My banding op which has been at the forefront of my thoughts since August has started to trail to the back of my mind. I have been busy busy with my young sons enrollment in Prep for 2009. My son M is hearing impaired and we have always said that it would be beneficial for him to go into mainstream school. He has been at a deaf and hearing impaired kinder since he was 3 and started doing 2 half days a week at a mainstream kinder near our home, he has been doing ok at the mainstream kinder, my dilemma is that he is different and as a mother every time I see someone looking at him because of this I want to go mad and rant at them. I have on occasion done that which as my husband says is not really the done thing. We have enrolled him in the same school as his sister A. A has excelled at this school, she herself is extremely shy and the school is small and nuturing. The problem I have with the school is that M will be the first hearing impaired student at the school, so there is a lot of work to be done in getting things up and running for him to be able to get the best education. I have always hated being the centre of attention or out in the spotlight so to speak, not my favorite position, but need to be so that M does not miss out. I have many many tears and emotional tantrums over the last 3 weeks but am feeling a little better about it all now, thanks to Deaf Children Australia. This is why my lap banding op has been at the back of my mind,. The date though has come up fast and I cannot believe I only have 3 weeks to go. With all the emotional upheavel I have been under I had started to think about cancelling it until I was in a better headspace. My husband and I spoke at length about it and he said that I should still go ahead with it. We have the money saved up now and if I dont go ahead with it we will most definately use those funds and then have to save it all up again, chances are we will never do it again especially at this time of year. So I am still going ahead with it.

I start optifast in a week on the 15th November, my husband has booked us in for a wine tour that day, he is supportive but not overly date orientated and was horrified when I told him I would be starting opti that day and would not be going. I have decided that it would be better if I started it on the 16th November, I am sure 1 day is not going to make a difference. Mr Michell did say that I could go out for dinner the night prior to my surgery as it is our wedding anniversary on that day, I just told my husband that we wont be going out I will be having opti. So the wine tour is going to be our anniversary dinner.

I would like to start the opti on Monday 1oth but we shall see where I am then.

I have my appointment with Barb the nurse on Monday at 930am so I am looking forward to that, hopefully that will make it all real.

I cannot believe that it has come so fast, one of my good friends on the forum has already been banded and is doing so well, she is an inspiration ---- Well Done Random. My other good friend started opti today and is due to be banded the week before me ----- Good Luck Blueberry.

I am coming out of my emotional upheavel and am starting to get excited about the band again. I looked at myself in the mirror today and thought omg ------- but then thought oh well soon there will be no more apple tummy, and I will be slim and sexy.

7 days til start of optifast.
21 days til band day.