Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey all,
Well I went to my last of all pre band appointments yesterday. The pre-op appointment with Mr Michell's nurse Barb. Apart from putting on 2kgs since my last appointment with her in Sept everything went fine. The 2kgs are most likely fluid as it was warmish yesterday and I tend to swell in the hotter weather - well thats my excuse anyway.
I am one of the 1st 3 on the list so not sure when I will be done either 1st, 2nd or 3rd but at least it will be earlier rather than later. A single room also which is nice.
The sequencial stockings well they are a hoot - my hubby rolled his eyes when Barb told me I had to wear them at all times whilst I was in bed. I had things on my legs and feet when I am in bed. I know they are to prevent you getting clots in your legs but they are hideous and look like they will hurt your legs when they blow up.
I also paid the $3500 I needed to pay for the op yesterday also. Oh what I could have bought with that money - but it is going to good use.

18 days til Band Day.


Melanie said...

This is money well spent - you'll have so much more confidence and energy in 3 months time. It's a crazy but worthwhile journey!
Welcome aboard.

oozyxena said...

Money very well spent !!! I am just a newbie, but so far loving it!!
Wishing you all the best,