Sunday, October 5, 2008

Friends For Life.

Its funny how many friends I have met through the Lap Band forum, I have always been a person that finds it hard to make new friends maybe it stems down to my self esteem problems, but since I have decided to go through with the Lap Banding I feel as if I have been blessed with the people with whom I chat to through the Lap Band forum and Yahoo Messenger.
I feel as if some of the people I have met through this forum will become friends for life, my two lovely friends on Mr Michells thread - randomness and blueberry both great ladies of who I cannot wait to meet and chat too about our bands. Not long now girls.
It is so good to find a place where we are all like minded, and even though we have never met face to face, we know what we are going to say before we even say it.
If we were to have a party for all the people who actively participate on the Lap band forum we would have one hell of a party - Wouldnt we people.


blueberryhill1963 said...

"Friends for Life" --- all for one and one for all! A motto we will share between the three of us. Just remember, dreams can come true and reach for the stars ... x

dizzy said...

Hey, count me in for the party - I'll bring along my Pina Colada Optifast!

Melanie said...

I'd love to be at the party too!
All the best, Mel

Nola said...

Hi, I have just found your blog...I have read back through you past posts and I know how you are feeling! I am being banded this Thursday....can't believe I'm saying that!!!

Tina :o) said...

Count me in too.... I have met some wonderful people from the land of lapband and blogging:O)

Cheers Tina

Unknown said...

I totally get that. Ive made some awesome friends through my band. Friends forever! Lol.