Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Start of My Weight Loss Journey.

I have always been overweight, I have tried every diet and fad out there to no avail. My father and grandmother are/were overweight and my brother is also overweight. I am also not one to give up a chocie or some cake either. Lack of exercise is also a factor that has hounded me all my life too, not overly a fan of exercise, but have joined many a gym or exercise program, gloria marshall, curves, contours, fernwood and other gyms also, all with only minute or no weight loss, and lasting for up to 6 months. I have paid for programs and have hardly used them. I know a lot of people who have or are doing this at the moment.
For the last 18 months to 2 years I have been researching Laproscopic Gastic Banding as a form of permanent weight loss help. I have had a couple of work colleagues that have had it done and each has had success of various forms, all have lost over 30kgs. Whilst their starting weights were much larger than mine, we all have the same thing in common, not able to sustain permanent weight loss.

On the 2oth August 2008 I attended an information seminer by a prominent Melbourne Gastric Surgeon about the Lap Band procedure. I learnt a great deal this day, it is not just a go in and have done and thats that surgery, there is a lot of planning that goes into having a lap band.
Lucky for me I had already half decided on having this surgeon as I felt all my options had long left me. I had made appointments with the Nurse, Dietician, Physician, Surgeon and Pscyhologist already.

My journey to newfound slimness and health had began. I had become positive about losing weight and never putting it back on again.

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