Thursday, October 2, 2008

My weight, height and BMI as taken by the nurse at the appointment on September 22nd 2008.

Height 166cm
Weight 104 kg

BMI 38


Itspositive said...

This is a wonderful photo, a cartoon photo of myself. But not for long.

dizzy said...

I love your photo - but hope I don't resemble it for too much longer either!
I was interested in what you said about only telling one person. I really tossed this one over too (am being banded end of Oct). But in the end I decided that I am lousy at keeping secrets anyway - and I know I will need the support of people around me. If some people I tell judge me badly for what I am doing, they are most likely the same people that judge me for my wieght in the first place! As for my friends who are also overweight - I try to let them know that this is just the best path I can find for me, it is certainly no comment on anyone else!
I would really encourage you to tell a few people - you would be surprised how many people support you who you never thought would! But if you really can't, I just wanted to let you know I am here to offer whatever support I can.